illustration (styles)

Illustration / character design / design for motion / stylized / Painterly / traditional /digital ..

Note: many of these are animated, actually. Pls see ´inMotion´ section - or (for some more examples / making of / case studies) in my Behance portfolio.

loose /sketchy & colorful ..

motion graphics..

& other ..


illustrations done before 2010 .. /Stylized concept illustration, medical, etc. ..

´da vinci´ stylized illustration ..

watercolor ..

(one of) archive /published articles .. about Illustration in Painter X

This page is a collection / random selection of illustrations I did (and styles I developed) throughout past 15 years of my ´illustrator´s career. All (c) Alena Hovorkova.
For more info / larger previews & more archive work - pls. visit my Behance portfolio.